Fool Star

Fool Star is a survivor’s tale of an insider about sex, drugs, and rock and roll on the road, and how a healthy mind can fail completely in degradation.

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Tony reflects on his life, after a nasty confrontation leads to a beating, and examines the connection between his stolen childhood and the man he is sorely becoming. His thoughts corkscrew through relationships and dissect experiences.

Fool Star is a survivor’s tale of an insider about sex, drugs, and rock and roll on the road, and how a healthy mind fails in degradation. Fool Star is two tales woven: one of a lovable, unassuming, narcissistic psychotic; the other, of a pure and simple, bohemian rock and roller, traveling in a roadshow and befriending eccentric people out on the fringe.

Fool Star effectively plumbs the depths of its characters in ways that spiral toward an understanding of the people they were and have become. Set against a backdrop of life on the southern rock and roll tour circuit, and big dreams almost in the grasp, it weaves together a set of characters' lives and fortunes in often unexpected, sometimes sad, sometimes hilarious, and always thought-provoking ways.
As I read Fool Star my emotions ran a surprisingly broad gamut in response to the lives and actions that spun together; it is a ride through a southern rock and roll band's career that is at once believable, frightening in its implications, and entertaining.