Eaves Drop
Luke’s dark and grim online seduction of every woman on the block includes Kat, a New York City Ballerina, who lives next door to Luke and unknowingly becomes his special haunt.
Luke is at the helm of one of the first start-up Internet Service Provider networks in the New York City Metro Area, which he founded, continues to administer, and personally recruits his townspeople. Luke’s dark and grim online seduction of every woman on the block and his delusively obsessive, sad, yet comedic fantasy sub-plot with a Television star named Martha, props-up this fiction throughout.
Kat, a New York City Ballerina, lives next door to Luke and unknowingly becomes his special haunt. In time, an unsuspecting, silent, and invisible watcher sets out to squelch the pained psychotic Luke and rescue then deliver unto himself the lovely Kat. … Under the shrewd eye of Luke?